How to Generate More Revenue as an eCommerce Website

The e-commerce sector has gained phenomenal growth in the past few years, with online sales reaching $4.9 trillion in 2021. Another Statista report shows that over 58 percent of users on the internet made purchases through the online medium in 2016. Since this, this figure has only increased further. From this data, it is evident that e-commerce business owners will continue to derive profits in the coming years. However, to grow successful e-commerce business and generate more sales, it is important to use this medium to your advantage. There is no hard and fast rule of generating more revenue, but the first step is to identify where you might be encountering problems.

In this article, we will explore where you may be going wrong. We will also provide you with some tips for generating more revenue as an eCommerce website.

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Reasons Why You Are Not Able to Generate More Revenue

  1. Targeting the wrong people: Targeting the right market for your business is crucial for increasing your sales and generating revenue. While it is important to know how to market your product, it is also important to know to who you have to market it. You need to know about the interests and preferences of your target audience so you can market your products/services to them in a better way. Behavior analytics can help you understand your customers better, so you will be able to design products and services according to their needs.
  2. Your sales funnel is not properly set up: If the sales funnel in your e-commerce website is not set up properly, the visitors will not be able to find the products they are looking for. When a user visits your website, they search for a particular product and see if the price matches their purchasing power. Thereafter, they place an order. You can gain insights into how the visitor interacts with your website using a visitor tracking tool like WatchThemLive (also alternative to Google analytics heatmap). This will help you in optimizing your sales funnel and making your website more user-friendly, which will eventually lead to more sales and greater revenue.
  3. Customers do not trust your website: Another reason why your website is not able to drive sales is that the customers do not trust the claims on your website. If this is the case, you need to develop ways to address these issues. It could be that your prices seem unreasonably high to the customers or that your website lacks an SSL certificate.

Besides these reasons, the problems could also lie in your shipping process, or your customer service post-sales. By solving these problems, you will be able to increase your sales and generate more revenue. This brings us to our next section, where we will provide you with some tips for increasing sales.

Tips for Increasing Sales and Generating More Revenue

  1. Build trust among your customers

Obtaining the trust of your customers will help you generate more sales and revenue. The most important step for building trust is to improve product quality. You need to provide your customers with an honest description of your product.

  1. Quote the right prices

This builds upon the first point about obtaining the customer’s trust. You need to set the right prices for your products so that you can convert them into loyal customers. To set the right price, you can look at the prices charged by your competitors for the same product. You can also encourage more sales by reducing the shipping charges on your site.

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  1. Create a USP

To generate more revenue from your e-commerce business, it is important to create a unique selling point (USP). The USP is what sets your brand apart in the industry. It could be related to your product quality, its pricing, or the customer service you provide.

  1. Optimize your site to make it user-friendly

It has been found that a business has only 15 seconds to grab the attention of the visitor when they land on their website. Thus, it is important to optimize your website to make it more user-friendly. This can be done through landing page optimization tools.

  1. Offer great customer service

Offering better customer services rests on resolving the issues of the customers quickly and effectively. As an e-commerce website, you can increase your customer service by integrating the Live Chat option or using chatbots. Besides this, you should also consider providing them 24/7 customer support.


By employing the aforementioned tips, you will be able to increase your sales and generate more revenue as an e-commerce website. The key is to understand how your customers operate. By developing an understanding of their preferences, interests, and buying behavior, you will be able to market your products to them effectively. A good session replay software can help you obtain the necessary insights about your website visitors and customers.